Takmer polovica Slovákov a Čechov tvrdí, že si našla prácu do jedného mesiaca

17. December 2015
4 min

What experience do Slovaks, Hungarians and Czechs have when finding jobs? Most people found jobs using a job portal, and roughly 62% of Slovaks attended three interviews before being hired. The more people earn, the higher the probability of finding a new job. Roughly 60% of people with gross monthly salaries in excess of €1,500 found jobs without having to send more than five CVs or attending more than three interviews.

How quickly do people in Slovakia, Hungary and Czech Republic find jobs?

Data obtained from approximately 22,500 participants in surveys conducted by the Platy.sk, Platy.cz and Fizetesek.hu portals demonstrate that nearly half of Slovaks and Czechs find a new job within a month. The survey showed that Slovakia was around ten percentage points higher than in neighbouring Hungary. Roughly half of people earning a gross salary in excess of €1,500 in Slovakia and Czech Republic found new jobs within a month.

How long did it take you to find a job?

Less than 1 month46%36%47%
1 – 2 months18%18%20%
2 – 3 months12%13%12%
3 – 6 months11%11%10%
More than 6 months10%11%7%
Still looking3%10%3%

Source: Platy.sk, Platy.cz, Fizetesek.hu

Most Slovak, Hungarian and Czech job seekers use job portals

Job portals are the primary resource when searching for a new employer. Data provided by survey participants from Slovakia, Czech Republic and Hungary demonstrates this fact, with two-fifths using job portals to find a new job.

With respect to education levels, people with university-level education use job portals to find jobs, while those with secondary education without a school-leaving examination largely rely on recommendations from acquaintances.

How did you find a job?

Gross salary of less than €600
Recommendations from family members or acquaintances38%36%39%
Social networks7%7%8%
Job portal34%30%35%
Old contacts from school9%12%8%
Gross salary from €1,500 to €1,800
Recommendations from family members or acquaintances23%26%26%
Social networks4%9%5%
Job portal50%45%50%
Old contacts from school13%12%10%

Source: Platy.sk, Platy.cz, Fizetesek.hu

Roughly 62% of Slovaks attend three interviews before they are hired

Nearly half of survey participants from Slovakia, Czech Republic and Hungary reported sending up to five CVs before finding a new job. Others who participated in the Platy.sk portal survey relayed their experience in finding a new job. Nearly two-thirds reporting attending three interviews before finding their last job. More than a fifth had to make a bit more effort, going on up to ten interviews during their job search.

Source: Platy.sk, Platy.cz, Fizetesek.hu

How many interviews did you attend before finding your last job?
Up to 3 interviews62%57%61%
3 – 10 interviews23%21%24%
10 – 20 interviews3%4%3%
More than 20 interviews1%1%1%

Slovaks: The higher the salary, the greater the probability of finding a new job

We compared the experience of those earning up to €600 a month and those with gross salaries from €1,500 to €1,800. Differences were seen primarily in the way they find jobs. While 38% of survey participants with salaries of up to €600 a month found a job through the recommendations of family members of acquaintances, half of the group of above-average earners said they used job portals to find a job. Above-average earners also enjoy success when finding jobs. Up to 60% reported finding a job without having to send more than five CVs or going on more than three interviews.


Earning less than €600*Earning €1,500 to €1,800*
40% found a job in less than 1 month50% found a job in less than 1 month
38% found a job with the recommendation of a family member of acquaintance50% found a job using a job portal
46% sent less than 5 CVs before finding a job58% sent less than 5 CVs before finding a job
62% went on less than 3 interviews before finding a job63% went on less than 3 interviews before finding a job
*gross monthly salarySource: Platy.sk

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