Slovensko bude mať v roku 2016 vyššiu minimálnu mzdu ako susední Česi i Maďari. Najvyšší podiel zamestnancov s minimálnou mzdou pracuje v oblasti stravovacích zariadení, textilnej výroby i sociálnej starostlivosti. Oproti predchádzajúcemu roku nastal rozdiel v oblasti poštových služieb, kedy podiel zamestnancov s minimálnou mzdou tvoril až 10 %, pričom dnes je rozdiel o 5 % menší.
Od začiatku budúceho roka stúpne výška minimálnej mzdy o 6,58 % a dostane sa tak na sumu 405 eur. V roku 2016 by si mali mesačne ľudia s minimálnou mzdou v hrubom prilepšiť o 25 eur viac, ako to bolo v predchádzajúcom roku.
Z porovnania priemernej mzdy za 2. kvartál 2015 a výšky minimálnej mzdy pre rok 2016 v rámci Slovenska, Česka a Maďarska vyplýva, že Slovensko je na prvej priečke z týchto krajín s najvyššou minimálnou plánovanou mzdou na rok 2016. Rozdiel priemernej a minimálnej mzdy je na Slovensku 472 eur, čím minimálna mzda predstavuje 46 % priemernej mzdy.
Najvyšší podiel zamestnancov s minimálnou mzdou sa nachádza v oblasti stravovacích zariadení, pod ktoré patria reštaurácie, bary, jedálne a podobne, ich podiel je až 11-percentný. Zhruba 10 % ľudí s platom pohybujúcim sa okolo minimálnej mzdy tvoria zamestnanci pracujúci v textilnom a odevnom priemysle. Oproti predchádzajúcemu roku nastal rozdiel v oblasti poštových služieb, kedy podiel zamestnancov s minimálnou mzdou tvoril až 10 %, pričom dnes je rozdiel o 5 % menší. Podiel zamestnancov pracujúcich v ubytovacích zariadeniach zarábajúcich minimálnu mzdu ostal voči roku 2014 nezmenený.
Pozícia krajčíra tvorí najvyšší podiel zamestnancov s minimálnou mzdou (57 %), pričom jeho hrubý mesačný plat sa pohybuje vo výške 438 eur mesačne. V predchádzajúcom roku bola medzi pozíciami, ktoré tvorili najväčší podiel zamestnancov s minimálnou mzdou, pozícia upratovačky, ktorá predtým zarobila priemerne 399 eur za mesiac v hrubom. Dnes je podiel upratovačiek ešte o 3 % vyšší ako v predošlom roku a ich celkový hrubý mesačný plat je na úrovni 425 eur.
Kontakt pre médiá:
Katarína Klembalová
PR Manager
Profesia, spol. s r.o.
Pribinova 25, 811 09 Bratislava
Mob.: +421 917 697 726 Slovakia will have a higher minimum salary than neighbouring Czechs and Hungarians in 2016. The largest number of minimum salary employees work in food service establishments, textile production, and social work activities. The greatest difference over the past year was recorded in postal services, where the share of employees working for the minimum was 10% in the previous year; it is now 5% lower.
From the beginning of next year, the minimum monthly salary will increase by 6.58% to €405. People will earn a gross increase of €25 a month over the previous year in 2016.
A comparison of minimum salaries over the 2nd quarter of 2015 and the minimum salary for 2016 in Slovakia, Czech Republic and Hungary shows that Slovakia ranks first in terms of the highest planned minimum salary for 2016. The difference between the average and minimum salary is €472 in Slovakia, meaning the minimum salary is 46% of the average salary.
Minimum salary*: €405 |
Average salary**: €877 |
Minimum salary*: €365 |
Average salary*: €970 |
Minimum salary*: €352 |
Average salary*: €792 |
Comparison of average and minimum salaries in SK, CZ and HU |
Minimum salary*: €405 |
Average salary**: €877 |
Minimum salary*: €365 |
Average salary*: €970 |
The number of people earning the minimum salary in postal services is 5% lower
The highest share of employees earning the minimum salary is in food service establishments, which include restaurants, bars, canteens, etc., where 11% of employees earn the minimum salary. Roughly 10% of employees working in the textile and apparel industry earn salaries around the minimum salary. The greatest difference over the past year was recorded in postal services, where the share of employees working for the minimum was 10% in the previous year; it is now 5% lower. The share of employees working in accommodation facilities earning the minimum salary remained unchanged compared to 2014.
Segments | Share of employees earning the minimum salary |
Restaurants, bars, canteens, etc. | 11% |
Textile, apparel and leather production | 10% |
Social work activities | 8% |
Hotels, pensions, hostels, etc. | 6% |
Postal services | 5% |
Other services | 5% |
Culture, sports and wellness | 5% |
Legal activities | 5% |
Other unlisted areas | 5% |
Commerce (e.g. supermarkets, retail) | 5% |
Law offices | 5% |
More than half of tailors and cleaners earn the minimum salary
Tailors account for the highest share of employees earning the minimum salary (57%) with a gross monthly salary around €438 a month. Cleaners, who earned a gross monthly average of €399 a month, were also among the highest share of those earning the minimum salary over the past year. The share of cleaners is 3% higher than in the previous year, with a total gross monthly salary of €425.
Position | Share of employees earning the minimum salary | Total gross monthly salary in € |
Tailor | 57% | 438 |
Cleaner | 56% | 425 |
Assistants | 40% | 482 |
School caretaker | 37% | 447 |
Hairdresser | 31% | 582 |
Security guard | 26% | 506 |
Cashier | 17% | 515 |
Health care assistant | 15% | 530 |
Manual labourer | 14% | 607 |
Shop assistant | 13% | 531 |